made to be

Be the lash artist you were

Get ready to launch and fastrack your lash biz to success! Your one stop shop to learning the classic and volume techniques & the business skills needed to launch a sustainable lash biz from the ground up.

join the classic + volume course

join the mega + advanced volume course

Have you been spinning your wheels trying to figure out how to not only perfect your skill, but to use it to produce sustainable, predictable & steady income?

so, you're fresh out of beauty school & unsure what comes next...

You finished cosmetology school and you felt so inspired, so excited, so ready to take on the beauty industry! 

Then the novelty of that certificate quickly wore off when you realized that more training was possibly required for something you were interested in. Or maybe the idea of running your own business is scaring you - insurance, overhead, liability waivers... what?!

You're starting to accept that this adventure isn't going to just be glitz and glam, but maybe some blood, sweat & tears, too. You're okay with that now. 

But where do you start? How do you fill that calendar? Those empty massage tables?

& you know lash extensions is attainable, affordable, and can scale! But how?

Everyone wants lashes and you don't want to waste any time getting started!

but let me guess...

You don't see how it's possible to spend the least amount of time possible on learning two lash techniques 

You've already attended either a classic or a volume lash course in the past & it just didn't leave you with everything you knew you needed.

You've tried to further teach yourself through all of the YouTube tutorials. That went nowhere fast.

You just, want all the answers and you want someone to show you the way. 
someone who gets you and someone who has walked in your shoes!

Join me for a 1:1 clarity call where we talk all about your lash dreams and goals. I do this so that I can get to know YOU better, get a better understanding of your lash dreams and goals, and also to give all of my lash course training details. There are no strings attached. If anything, our call will help provide you with some guidance and clarity on your lash journey whether you take my course or not!

book your clarity call now

I know just what you need!

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